Sun’s out, pits out with Aaliyah

Sun’s out, pits out with Aaliyah

They started their platform to be a body hair activist, and their work has played a part in changing attitudes around body hair ever since. Aaliyah gives us their take on how fuzz can be freeing, and talks toxic beauty standards.

Summer = freedom. Does shaving feel like a free choice?

Absolutely. To be honest, my body hair makes me feel free. I don’t shave my armpits but I do shave my legs, and even not having hair on my legs makes me feel free because I know I’ve made that choice!

Have you seen any change in attitude to shaving recently?

I’ve seen a HUGE change over the past 2 years. I started my platform to be a body hair activist and seeing my work and other people's work has definitely changed the attitude. I get a lot more positive feedback and I’m seeing other women with body hair all over my feed. I love it!

Do you avoid certain types of clothing due to your body hair?

I do actually… I avoid anything that covers it up! I honestly love having my armpit hair out so I love wearing anything where you can see it!

Does the media influence the way you feel about shaving?

In all honesty no, I’ve never liked sticking to society’s beauty standards. I feel like I’ve always had my own, which is whatever I’m feeling at the time!

Do people comment when you choose (or simply forget) to shave?

Absolutely not! I feel like I always thought people would comment on it but guess what? They never do! It rarely happens but if someone does comment, it’s always really nice feedback and questions.

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