Yes, we all do it. No, we don't all like talking about it. So, we thought it was about time we could all benefit from sharing our inner desires and secret tips to please not others, but ourselves.
We asked 2000 people about their masturbation habits and pubic hair preferences, along with some other tickling Q's to really understand what gets people to hit that orgasmic high.
Set yourself to self-pleasure mode and keep on reading, as this is something you don't want to miss…

Let’s talk about (solo) sex baby!
Enjoying some sexual me-time is not only a source of pleasure but it has also been proven to have many great benefits. Things like stress relief, relaxation and improved sleep are just a few of the heavenly benefits of masturbation, so it’s no wonder that as many as 42% of people consider masturbation to be a form of self-care.
With so many benefits, it’s easy to think of self-pleasure as one of life’s greater pleasures, and it’s obviously something that should be encouraged in society. Sadly, almost a third (29%) of the people we asked admit that they’ve felt ashamed or embarrassed for masturbating, even though it’s something that is so common and natural to do. This statement is even more off-putting by the fact that as many as 58% of people believe that there are health benefits to the solo act. We say it’s about time to end that stigma.
Reach the ultimate solo orgasm
People are different, which means that they have different ways to reach the end of the masturbation rainbow. But, when it comes to creating the perfect formula, there are some common denominators that seem to be extra ehm effective.
Our research shows that creating the right mood and stimulus is key. Watching porn (34%), having sexual fantasies (28%), visualising someone else (25%) and using a vibrator (19%) are revealed to be what increases pleasure the most while masturbating.
Interestingly enough, only one in five (19%) people think of their partner while masturbating, whilst over half (58%) don’t think about anyone at all – proving that you don’t need anyone else to get in the mood. Talk about being independent!
But, how long does one last in general while solo sexing? Do people go hours and hours on end? The answer to that is no, usually not. The research reveals that it takes about five minutes to reach an orgasm when you masturbate. To put that in context, that means that it takes less than two songs to finish – so you better be picky when you pick your masturbation tunes.
What are the sexiest music genres to masturbate to then? Apparently, pop (10%), R&B (9%) and rock (8%) are revealed to be the most common genres to get you in the right mood. Well, we’ll just play Rocket by Beyoncé real quick then. Brb, let’s continue in 5 minutes ;)
All about the pubes
Have you ever thought about whether you shave for yourself or not? No? It’s common to hear questions about one’s preferences for pubic hair and grooming on other people. But, you rarely hear questions about what hairdos you like on yourself. We wanted to know what was really going on down there – and also, more importantly, why people choose to shave or not.

To shave or not to shave
According to our research, 53% of people proudly admit that when they shave, they do so for themselves (yesss!). And, as much as 28% och people have even thought about if there’s a specific pubic style on themselves that turns them on more than others. As a proud supporter of ‘your pubes, your preferences’, we must admit that these stats make us go all fuzzy inside :)
But, what are considered to be the sexiest pubic hairdos, you might ask? Our research reveals that the classic Brazilian came up tops, with one-fifth (19%) of people rocking the bald look, followed by the Bikini (11%), the full Bush (9%), the Landing Strip (8%) and lastly, the Martini (7%).
As a conclusion, it seems like pubic hairstyles aren’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ type of thing after all. We knew it! So, whether you like it bushy, bald or in-between, it’s all up to you. Just make sure that whatever you do, you do it for yourself.