Let’s talk about sex babyyy! And no, not just the typical hanky-panky for two (or more, you do you), we’re going to talk about the sexy sesh you have with yourself – masturbation.
Flicking the bean. Yanking the chain. The elephant in the room, the dirty little secret, the solo act that many of us have likely participated in at one point or another. But despite its popularity, there are still plenty of myths and misconceptions floating around about this normal and healthy activity. So, we’ve decided to bust some of those myths and talk about why masturbation is not only okay but also, an important part of self-care.
Myth #1: Masturbation is unnatural or unhealthy
This is perhaps the most common myth about masturbation. But let's be real here: there is nothing inherently harmful about touching yourself. In fact, masturbation has been shown to have a number of benefits. It can reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and even boost your immune system. So, no, masturbation is not bad for you. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
Myth #2: People only masturbate when they’re single
Hell no. Masturbation is a normal part of our sexuality regardless of whether we are in a sexual relationship or not. Many of us choose to masturbate as a way to relax, de-stress, or simply as a way to feel good. Masturbation can also be a way for us to learn about our own bodies and what we like sexually, which can ultimately lead to more satisfying sexual experiences with a partner. Don't think of masturbation as a substitute for sex with a partner – think of it as an addition to your sexual repertoire.

Myth #3: Do I masturbate too much?
Some people might think that if a little masturbation is good, a lot must be better. But this just isn't the case. While there's no set "limit" for how often you should masturbate, engaging in the act too frequently can lead to irritation or chafing. But as long as you're not neglecting other important aspects of your life (like work, school, or relationships) to masturbate, you're probably doing fine and have nothing to worry about. So go at it and become a master masturbator!
Myth #4: Masturbation is not self-care
Self-care is all about taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being – which involves prioritising yourself and taking the time to engage in activities that promote self-love, self-compassion, and self-awareness. We don’t know about you, but we do think that it sounds like masturbation qualifies as self-care! So go ahead, give yourself some self-love and self-care through masturbation. You deserve it. ;)
Facts about Masturbation
So, let’s leave you with the facts, masturbation is healthy and normal and comes with many health benefits. It’s a form of self-care and self-expression, and it can help to improve your overall sexual wellness. It also helps you to get to know your body and know what it is that you actually like. Pretty nice, huh?
People of all ages, genders and sexual orientations can and do masturbate. And don’t forget, masturbation is a personal choice and there's no one-size-fits-all answer for how often someone should do it. As long as you’re comfortable and happy – that’s all that matters!
Embrace your sexuality and don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do with your own body. You are in charge of your own pleasure, and that's something to be celebrated! So go ahead and indulge in a little solo play – your body will thank you.